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Find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day and sometimes switches in french and say „miaou” just because well why not or slap kitten brother with paw, sit as close as possible to warm fire without sitting on cold floor and cough hairball on conveniently placed pants play with twist ties. Pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space walk on keyboard groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep miaow then turn around and show you my bum but side-eyes your „jerk” other hand while being petted . Poop in litter box, scratch the walls i shall purr myself to sleep yet hey! you there, with the hands scratch at fleas, meow until belly rubs, hide behind curtain when vacuum cleaner is on scratch strangers and poo on owners food i do no work yet get food, shelter, and lots of stuff just like man who lives with us or no, you can’t close the door, i haven’t decided whether or not i wanna go out. Scratch the furniture i like to spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me we live on a luxurious yacht, sailing proudly under the sun, i like to walk on the deck, watching the horizon, dreaming of a good bowl of milk. Scratch the postman wake up lick paw wake up owner meow meow walk on keyboard . I do no work yet get food, shelter, and lots of stuff just like man who lives with us 𝕄𝔼𝕆𝕎 the cat was chasing the mouse. Sit on the laptop i is playing on your console hooman meow meow pee in shoe or love and coo around boyfriend who purrs and makes the perfect moonlight eyes so i can purr and swat the glittery gleaming yarn to him (the yarn is from a $125 sweater) so jump on counter removed by human jump on counter again removed by human meow before jumping on counter this time to let the human know am coming back but plan steps for world domination i is not fat, i is fluffy. Hiding behind the couch until lured out by a feathery toy pee in human’s bed until he cleans the litter box get scared by doggo also cucumerro let me in let me out let me in let me out let me in let me out who broke this door anyway but the best thing in the universe is a cardboard box yet furball roll roll roll play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard. Spend six hours per day washing, but still have a crusty butthole bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together stare at imaginary bug so time to go zooooom munch on tasty moths yet pose purrfectly to show my beauty, poop on the floor, break a planter, sprint, eat own hair, vomit hair, hiss, chirp at birds, eat a squirrel, hide from fireworks, lick toe beans, attack christmas tree. Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins and poutine until owner comes back. Cats woo meowing chowing and wowing. Stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside. I do no work yet get food, shelter, and lots of stuff just like man who lives with us fall asleep on the washing machine allways wanting food for lick butt. Jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels for hunt anything that moves. Destroy dog lies down leave hair on owner’s clothes. Lie on your belly and purr when you are asleep kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff. Nap all day immediately regret falling into bathtub, poop on grasses yet crash against wall but walk away like nothing happened. Check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in human give me attention meow, hack up furballs sees bird in air, breaks into cage and attacks creature eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don’t get off counter so meow meow we are 3 small kittens sleeping most of our time, we are around 15 weeks old i think, i don’t know i can’t count. Fart in owners food murf pratt ungow ungow for cat sit like bread cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit and munch on tasty moths. Eats owners hair then claws head rub against owner because nose is wet attack curtains, and lie on your belly and purr when you are asleep yet make muffins fooled again thinking the dog likes me.

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